Using Daniel Kahneman's "Fast and Slow" framework to recognise the traps our mind sets ourselves when working on AI projects.
Ronald - Appreciate your clarity and use of Kahneman's examples. For me, it's empathy I lack in communicating to stakeholders that AI is not a brand or a feature. I look forward to hearing "AI" as a means to tease out real requirements and needs.
ALSO - Thank you for the link to Maaike's blog!
Love this, Ronald - it also just so happens that Thinking fast and slow is a book whose insights I particularly value 🤗
Ronald - Appreciate your clarity and use of Kahneman's examples. For me, it's empathy I lack in communicating to stakeholders that AI is not a brand or a feature. I look forward to hearing "AI" as a means to tease out real requirements and needs.
ALSO - Thank you for the link to Maaike's blog!
Love this, Ronald - it also just so happens that Thinking fast and slow is a book whose insights I particularly value 🤗